interesting and unusual sports

There are sports in the world that most people did not even have heard.

There are sports in the world that most people have never even heard of.

There are millions of devoted hockey fans and football fans on the planet. And many athletes are as popular as the stars of Hollywood. However, there are also non-traditional sports in the world, many of which most people have not even heard of. Some of them may seem ridiculous from the outside, the rules of others are incredibly complex, but they all have their fans. And who knows, perhaps in time one of these unusual sports will become as popular as football.


What kid didnt like to slide down the railing as a child? Usually such a prank threatened with a serious conversation in the headmasters office. But recently, childrens pranks have turned into jibbing. This very unusual sport just involves sliding along railings, parapets or slings. Athletes prefer shoes with special grooves for better glide on the surface. There are also jibbing competitions on roller skates or snowboards. Every year this sport with elements of acrobatics is becoming more and more popular.


It is unlikely that there are more unusual sports with a national flavor than buzkashi. This game is very remotely reminiscent of polo. The participants are also on horseback, only they do not have sticks in their hands. Players fight for the opportunity to hold the decapitated goat carcass in their hands for as long as possible. The history of this game dates back to the time of the Mongol raids. So the nomads trained young warriors in skill. Then the training turned into a game. This exotic sport has taken root in Tajikistan and Afghanistan. Initially, each participant played exclusively for himself. Today the players are divided into two teams. Within the team, the players are divided into defenders, attackers, spreaders. This harsh sport requires serious physical training.That is why in many Central Asia countries there are schools, where they are preparing players for a buccash. Previously, players were not bent used to use gross physical strength, and could smear the opponent Nagaika. Today it is prohibited by the rules, and in general the game looks like a civilized. Sometimes even contrary to traditions, instead of the murdered animal uses a mooring.

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