Portbilet-online system for issuing air tickets and railway ticketsPortbilet


Portbilet, an online system for issuing air tickets and railway tickets for legal entities (subagents, travel agencies, corporate clients)

Portbilet – online system for issuing air tickets and railway tickets

  • sapsan

port ticket is an online booking system of the VIP Service company, which allows you to issue air tickets, issue railway tickets, book a hotel and much more. The system is designed for the work of legal entities (corporate clients and travel companies). Organization of business trips online.

You can find out about the possibilities of the system on this page.

For a more detailed acquaintance with the system, you can read the information here.

Screenshots of the system can be found here.

To connect, just follow a few simple steps, which are written here.

If you still have questions, our staff will always help you.


Who is our system for?


For travel agencies, we offer special conditions, giving you the opportunity to arrange a full range of travel services for your clients. Opening an air ticket office is now easy.

to corporative clients

For corporate clients, we offer the opportunity to arrange business trips for our employees quickly and efficiently.


If you are not a legal entity, you can also purchase airline tickets, train tickets, book a hotel, etc. from us. and pay by credit card.

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